Nonhuman Personhood Bibliography

Albright KM, 2002, The extension of legal rights to animals under a caring ethic: an ecofemenist exploration of Steven Wise’s Rattling the Cage, Natural Resources Journal, 42, 4: 915-937

Atchison J, Head L, 2013, Eradicating bodies in invasive plant management, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31, 6: 951-968

Baars E, Baars T, 2007, Towards a philosophical underpinning of the holistic concept of integrity or organisms within organic agriculture, NJAS–Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 54, 4: 463-477

Ban N, Coomes OT, 2004, Home Gardens in Amazonian Peru: Diversity and exchange of planting material, Geographical Review, 94, 3: 348-367

Barrett AS, Brown LR, Barrett L, Henzi SP, 2006, Phytosociology and plant community utilization by vervet monkeys of the Blydeberg Conservancy, Limpopo Province, Koedoe, 49, 1: 49-68

Barua M, 2014, Circulating elephants: unpacking the geographies of a cosmopolitan animal, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 39, 4: 559-573

Barua M, 2014, Volatile ecologies: towards a material politics of human-animal relations, Environment and Planning A, 46, 6: 1462-1478

Baxter BH, 1996, Ecocentrism and persons, Environmental Values, 5, 3: 2015-219

Bear C, Eden S, 2011, Thinking like a fish? Engaging with nonhuman difference through recreational angling, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29, 2: 336-352

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Beauchamp TL. 1999, The failure of theories of personhood, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 9, 4: 309-324

Bekoff M, 2001, The evolution of animal play, emotions, and social morality: on science, theology, spirituality, personhood, and love, Zygon, 36, 4: 615-655

Bhatti M, Church A, Claremont A, Stenner P, 2009, ‘I love being in the garden’: enchanting encounters in everyday life, Social and Cultural Geography, 10, 1: 61-76

Bingham N, 2006, Bees, butterflies, and bacteria: Biotechnology and the politics of nonhuman friendship, Environment and Planning A, 38, 3: 483-498

Braun B, 2005, Environmental issues: writing a more-than-human urban geography, Progress in Human Geography, 29, 5: 635-650

Brice J, 2014, Attending to grape vines: perceptual practices, planty agencies and multiple temporalities in Australia viticulture, Social and Cultural Geography, 15, 8: 942-965

Chamovitz D, What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses, New York: Scietific American, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2012

Cloke P, Jones O, 2004, Turning in the graveyard: trees and the hybrid geographies of dwelling, monitoring and resistance in a Bristol cemetery, Cultural Geographies, 11, 3: 313-341

Cohen S, 1999, Promoting Eden: Tree planting as the environmental panacea, Ecumene, 6, 4: 424-446

Davidson J, Smith M, 2009, Autistic autobiographies and more-than-human geographies, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 27, 5: 898-916

Dixon DP, 2009, Creating the semi-living: on politics, aesthetics and more-than-human, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34, 4: 411-425

Duncan IJH, 1996, Animal welfare defined in terms of feelings, ACTA Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-Animal Science, 29-35

Eberl JT, Ballard RA, 2009, Metaphysical and Ethical Perspectives on Creating Animal-Human Chimeras, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 34, 5: 470-486

Faier L, 2011, Fungi, trees, people, nematodes, beetles, and weather: ecologies of vulnerability and ecologies of negotiation in matsutake commodity exchange, Environment and Planning A, 43, 5: 1079-1097

Gabrys J, 2009, Sink: the dirt of systems, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 27, 4: 666-681

Gabrys J, 2012, Becoming urban: sitework from a moss-eye view, Environment and Planning A, 44, 12: 2922-2939

Galloway JH, 1996, Botany in the service of empire: The Barbados cane-bending program and the revival of the Caribbean sugar industry, 1880s-1930s, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 86, 4: 682-706

Gibbs LM, 2013, Bottles, bores, and boats: agency of water assemblages in post/colonial inland Australia, Environment and Planning A, 45, 2: 467-484

Gibson-Graham JK, 2011, A feminist project of belonging for the Antropocene, Gender, Place and Culture, 18, 1: 1-21

Ginn F, 2014, Sticky lives: slugs, detachment and more-than-human ethics in the garden, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 39, 4: 532-544

Greenbhough B, 2012, Where species meet and mingle: endemic human-virus relations, embodied communication and more-than-human agency at the Common Cold Unit 1946-1990, Cultural Geographies, 19, 3: 281-301

Grendstad G, Wollebaek D, 1998, Greener still? An empirical examination of Eckersley’s ecocentric approach, Environment and Behavior, 30, 5: 653-675

Griffin CJ, 2010, More-than-human histories and the failure of grand state schemes: sylviculture in the New Forest, England, Cultural Geographies,17, 4: 451-472

Hall M, Plants a Persons: A Philosophical Botany, New York: SUNY Series on the Environment, 2011

Haraway D, When Species Meet

Harwood C, Ruuska AK, 2013, The personhood of trees: living artifacts in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Time and Mind: The Journal of Archeology, Consciousness and Culture, 6, 2: 135-157

Head L, Muir P, Hampel E, 2004, Australian backyard gardens and the journey of migration, Geographical Review, 94, 3: 326-347

Head L, Atchison J, 2009, Cultural ecology: emerging human-plant geographies, Progress in Human Geography, 33, 2: 236-245

Head L, Gibson C, 2012, Becoming differently modern: geographic contributions to a generative climate politics, Progress in Human Geography, 36, 6: 699-714

Head L, Atchison J, Phillips C, Buckingham K, 2014, Vegetal politics: belonging, practices and places, Social and Cultural Geography, 15, 8: 861-870

Heeger R, Brom FWA, 2001, Intrinsic value and direct duties: From animal ethics towards environmental ethics?, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 14, 2: 241-252

Heeyoung C, 2012, A study of conception about life and biological classification of Buddhists, teachiers and high school students, Journal of Science Education, 36, 2: 279-292

Hinchliffe S, Kearnes MB, Degen M, Whatmore S, Urban wild things: a cosmopolitical experiment, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23, 5: 643-658

Hitchings R, 2003, People, plants and performance: on actor network theory and the material pleasures of the private garden, Social and Cultural Geography, 4, 1: 99-113

Holloway L, 2007, Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 25, 6: 1041-1060

Hoon C, 2010, Sentience theory reconsidered, Philosophical Investigations, 27: 119-137

Ingensiep HW, 1997, Personalism, sentienism, biocentrism – boundary problems of non-human bioethics, Theory in Biosciences, 116, 2: 169-191

Jerolmack C, Travory I, 2014, Molds and totems: Nonhumans and the constitution of the social self, Sociological Theory, 32, 1: 64-77

Johnson ER, Goldstein J, 2015, Biometic futures: life, death, and the enclosure of a more-than-human intellect, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105, 2: 387-396

Johnston C, 2008, Beyond the clearing: towards a dwelt animal geography, Progress in Human Geography, 32, 5: 633-649

Jones RM, Instone L, Mee KJ, 2014, Making risk real: urban trees and the ontological politics of risk, Geoforum, 56: 211-225

Kallhoff A, 2014, Plants in ethics: why flourishing deserves moral respect, Environmental Values, 23, 6: 685-700

Kaufman F, 1994, Machines, sentience, and the ethics of the scope of morality, Environmental Ethics, 16, 1: 57-70

Khan N, 2011, Geddes in India: town planning, plant sentience, and cooperative evolution, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29, 5: 840-856

Kirkpatrick JB, Davison A, Daniels GD, 2013, Sinners, scapegoats or fashion victims? Understanding the deaths of trees in the green city, Geoforum, 48, 165-176

Kirsch S, Mitchell D, 2004, The nature of things: Dead labor, nonhuman actors, and the persistence of Marxism, Antipode, 36, 4: 687-705

Larsen SC, Johnson JT, 2012, Toward and open sense of place: phenomenology, affinity, and the question of being, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102, 3: 632-646

Lehman JS, 2013, Relating to the sea: enlivening the ocean as an actor in Eastern Sri Lanka, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31, 3: 485-501

Lezaun J, 2011, Bees, beekeepers, and bureaucrats: parasitism and the politics of transgenic life, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29, 4: 738-756

Longhurst R, 2006, Plots, plants and paradoxes: contemporary domestic gardens in Aoteaoroa New-Zealand, Social and Cultural Geography, 7, 4: 581-593

Lorentzen KF, 2002, Luhmann goes Latour: Zur Soziologie hybrider Beziehungen in Rammert W, Schulz-Schaeffer I (eds), Können Maschienen hadeln? Soziologische Beiträge zum Verhältnis von Mensch un Technik, 9, 101-18.

Lorimer J, 2010, Elephants as companion species: the lively biogeographies of Asian elephant conservation in Sri Lanka, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 35, 4: 491-506

Lorimer J, 2007, Nonhuman charisma, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 25, 5: 911-932

Lorimer J, 2010, Moving image methodologies for more-than-human geographies, Cultural Geographies, 17, 2: 237-258

Lorimer J, 2008, 2008, Living roofs and brownfield wildlife: towards a fluid biogeography of UK nature conservation, Environment and Planning A, 40, 9: 2042-2060

Lulka D, 2012, The lawn; or on becoming a killer, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30, 2: 207-225

Lulka D, 2004, Stabilizing the herd: fixing the identity of nonhumans, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22, 3: 439-463

Mancuso S, Viola A, Verde Brillante: Sensibilità e Intelligenza nel Mondo Vegetale, Milano: Giunti Editore, 2013

Mandon-Dalger I, Clergeau P, Tassin J, Riviere JN, Gatti S, 2004, Relationships between alien plants and an alien bird species on Reunion Island, Journal of Tropical Ecology, 20: 635-642

Marder M, Plant Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life, New York: Columbia University Press, 2013

Marenko B, 2014, Neo-animism and design: A new paradigm in object theory, Design and Culture, 6, 2: 219-241

Massey D, 2005, Negotiating nonhuman/human space, Antipode, 37, 2: 353-357

Moore LJ, Kosut M, 2014, Among the colony: Ethnographic fieldwork, urban bees and intra-species mindfulness, Ethnography, 15, 4: 516-539

Murdoch J, 1997, Towards a geography of heterogeneous associations, Progress in Human Geography, 21, 3: 321-337

Murdoch J, 1997, Inhuman/nonhuman/human: actor-network theory and the prospects for a nondualistic and symmetrical perspective on nature and society, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 15, 6, 731-756

Nonhuman Rights Project, Judge Recognizes Two Chimpanzees as Legal Persons, Grants them Writ of Habeas Corpus, 2015

Owens E, 2007, Nonbiologic objects as actors, Symbolic Interaction 30, 4: 567-584

Panelli R, More-than-human social geographies: posthuman and other possibilities, Progress in Human Geography, 34, 1: 79-87

Pellegrini P, Baudry S, 2014, Streets as new places to bring together both humans and plants: examples from Paris and Montpellier (France), Social and Cultural Geography, 15, 8: 871-900

Peters K, 2012, Manipulating material hydro-worlds: rethinking humans and more-thank-human relationality through offshore radio piracy, Environment and Planning A, 44, 5: 1241-1254

Philo C, 1995, Animals, geography, and the city: Notes on inclusions and exclusions, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 13, 6, 655-681

Poe MR, LeCompte J, McLain R, Hurley P, 2014, Urban foraging and the relational ecologies of belonging, Social and Cultural Geography, 15, 8: 901-919

Pollan M, The Botany of Desire, New York: Random House, 2001

Power ER, 2009, Border-processes and homemaking: encounters with possums in suburban Australian homes, Cultural Geographies, 16, 1: 29-54

Power E, 2008, Furry families: making a human-dog family through home, Social and Cultural Geography, 9, 5: 535-555

Prudham S, Taming trees: Capital, science, and nature in Pacific slope tree improvement, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 93, 3: 636-656

Qvenild M, Setten G, Skar M, 2014, Politicising plants: dwelling and invasive alien species in domestic gardens in Norway, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 68, 1: 22-33

Richardson-Ngwenya P, 2012, A vitalist approach to sugar-cane breeding in Barbados: in the context of the European Union Sugar Reform, Geoforum, 43, 6: 1131-1139

Richardson-Ngwenya P, 2014, Performing a more-than-human material imagination during fieldwork: muddy boots, diarizing and putting vitalism on video, Cultural Geographies, 21, 2: 293-299

Robbins P, 2004, Comparing invasive networks: cultural and political biographies of invasive species, Geographical Reivew, 94, 2: 139-156

Robert T, 2014, From things to events: Whitehead and the materiality of process, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32, 6: 968-983

Sanders CR, 2003, Actions speak louder than words: close relationships between humans and nonhuman animals, Symbolic Interaction, 26, 3: 405-426

Shillington L, 2008, Being(s) in relation at home: socio-natures of patio ‘gardens’ in Mangua, Nicaragua, Social and Cultural Geography, 9, 7: 755-776

Slater L, ‘Wild rivers, wild ideas’: emerging political ecologies of Cape York Wild Rivers, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31, 5: 763-778

Squire V, 2014, Desert ‘trash’: Posthumanism, border struggles, and humanitarian politics, Political Geography, 39: 11-21

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Van Bueren ET, Struik PC, 2005, Integrity and rights of plants, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 18, 5: 479-493

Wallis RJ, 2009, Re-enchanting Rock Art Landscapes: Animic ontologies, nonhuman agency and rhizomic personhood, Time and Mind: The Journal of Archeology, Consciousness and Culture, 2, 1: 47-69

Whatmore S, 2006, Materialist returns: practicing cultural geography in and for a more-than-human world, Cultural Geographies, 13, 4: 600-609

Woo J, 2008, Are plants living beings? Buddhist view on their status of sentience, Korean Journal of Religious Education, 26: 37-48

Wurbel H, 2009, Ethology applied to animal ethics, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 118, 3-4: 1198-127

Yeh ET, Lama KT, 2013, Following the Caterpillar fungus: nature, commodity chains, and the place of Tibet in China’s uneven geographies, Social and Cultural Geography, 14, 3: 318-340

Yusoff K, 2013, Insensible worlds: postrelational ethics, indeterminacy and the (k)nots of relating, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31, 2: 208-226

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